

This website is operated by Osborn GmbH for the international Osborn group of companies. Osborn GmbH is based in Burgwald / Germany.


Osborn GmbH
Ringstraße 10
35099 Burgwald

Phone: +49 6451 588 0
Fax: +49 6451 588 206

Managing Director: Nemanja Mijic, Charles David Seymour Jr.

Commercial register: Local court Marburg, HRB 6923

VAT-Ident: DE 113 082 315


Osborn provides only accurate and up-to-date information on its website to the best of its knowledge. However, it does not assume any responsibility or warranty with regard to its timeliness and accuracy and expressly disclaims any obligation in this regard.

We endeavour to publish the most accurate and reliable information possible on our website. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of all published information. Any liability in the event of errors or omissions on our web pages is excluded.

For references (links) on the pages of this website, we expressly emphasise that we have no influence whatsoever on the link text, the design, possible infringements of applicable rights, including trademark and title rights, and the content of the linked pages. We also expressly dissociate ourselves from the link formulations, as well as from all contents of all pages to which we have set links.

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